Dear Santa – I’ve been a reasonably good boy and have tried to do my best this fall despite a broken leg, so please help me out with the following wishlist, if you can:
- A spirit of cooperation and collaboration between the Old Town Kemptville BIA and Chamber of Commerce that will effectively serve the interests of small business in the community
- The completion of the South Branch Waterfront Trail
- An outdoor rink in Riverside Park built with $250K worth of funding from the Sens Foundation
- A new gazebo with power for Maplewood Park in Oxford Mills
- Forgiveness of both the Municipal and County portions of the Kemptville Youth Centre’s property tax
- More donations to, and grants from, the North Grenville Community Foundation
- More public participation in, and scrutiny of, Municipal politics
- and, of course, a bottle of bourbon and a copy of the year-end edition of the New York Review of Books
Merry Christmas, Johnny Barclay